Devine Messenger
Jabirr Jabirr Country | Lacepede Islands
Three times larger than England and with a population of less than 40,000, the Kimberley region – spread over Australia's entire north-western corner – is one of the world's last wilderness frontiers. It’s defined by rugged ranges, dramatic gorges, semi-arid savanna and a largely isolated coastline.
From vibrant teal-blue oceans to pindan stained ruby-red cliffs, the variety and vibrancy of the colours of the Kimberly is breath taking. The project was captured in May 2022 and all images are captured from various light aircraft, including Cessna 210 aeroplanes and Robinson 44 helicopters. The breadth of the project included 16 hours in the air across 8 flights at various remote locations.
Taking to the air in light aircraft allowed me to abstract the landscape and utilising a top-down perspective allowed me to focus on the vibrant colours, delicate details, textures and patterns of the Kimberley - one of the world's truly wild places.